Organizing is an ongoing process—I like to think of it as a journey. You organize a space, and arrive at “destination organization” and things work just great for a while. But then, life changes and it’s time to reorganize or begin the next phase of the organizing journey. Lucky for me, I enjoy this process. I think its fun to recreate a space, and change things up to reflect how our lives are changing. And I especially love to do this during the month of May. The outside world has created a fresh start—everything is so green, fresh and new. And it always makes me want to freshen things up on the inside, too. Plus, life is about to change in a big way. School is winding down which means the kids will be home for three months.

And so…with spring in the air, I have some organizing projects on my mind. Here’s what’s on my organizing to-do list:

Project #1:  Reorganize the art supply cabinet. In this photo from long ago, our art cabinet was organized to house art supplies for younger kids—things like crayons, Play Doh, tracing templates and things like that. It pretty much looks the same today, but the kids are growing up and the art projects they like to do are changing. Just last weekend my daughter wanted to get some soft pastels. So it’s time to reorganize the art cabinet, clear out the old supplies they won’t use any more and make space for new supplies and projects. I like the idea of having things well stocked for the summer, so they can exercise their creative muscles a bit over the summer. Perhaps we’ll create space for paint brushes and paints, along with something to protect the table from spills. Hmmm…this will be a good project to work on with Kailea.

Craft cabinet

Project #2:  Reorganize the game cabinet. Again, thinking about the summer, I’d like to clear out the old games so it’s super easy for the kids to play with their favorite board games. Somehow, board games seem like a better way to spend a summer day than video games. So this simple little project will be high up on my to-do list, too. For this one, the plan is to enlist the help of both kids.

Organized board games

Project #3:  Declutter the kids’ bookshelves. Our school district is having a book drive and book sale later this month, so it’s a great excuse to clear out some old books, and create space for some new books to read over the summer. I think I’ll pare down some of my old books too…and perhaps create a bit of space for a few new books of my own to indulge in over the summer.

Book shelves

Project #4: Reorganize the pantry and the refrigerator. This one is also motivated by summer being just around the corner. I’d like to carve out some space in the pantry and the refrigerator for bins of healthy snacks and lunch making supplies so the kids can help themselves to something healthy this summer. If the healthy stuff is in plain sight, maybe (just maybe) they’ll opt for that over the less healthy options. We’ll see how that one works out.

Inside refrigerator

Project #5: Re-organize the laundry room. This one is also motivated by summer. A few weeks ago I cleared out the winter gear and got out the sunscreen. But as soon as school ends, I’ll be putting away the backpacks and moving the cleaning supplies to the cubbies that used to contain them. This will make it super simple for the kids to help with cleaning this summer. (Boy…just writing about these projects has me getting more excited about summer. Remember, the first projects included fun activities for the kids, so it won’t be all work and no play for my kiddos.)

Cubby top half

The great thing about these projects is that they’re all really quick and simple organizing projects that won’t take much time or money, and yet they’ll really help us ease into summer. And since they’re quick and simple, they’ll be easy enough to fit into our busy-because-school-is-ending schedule. I’m excited to get started—maybe tonight?

What’s on your organizing to-do list? I’d love to hear!