I recently received this question from a blog reader:

I just turned 18 and I am getting ready to move out of my parents house and attend college. The dorm rooms are smaller than the normal space I am accustomed to living in. Therefore I was just wondering if your could give a few tips on how to store all my clothes without cluttering everything. Inside the dorm there are two chest of drawers one for me and one for my roommate.

Thanks for your question and congrats to you! College is such an exciting time and with a few simple organizing strategies up your sleeve, it can be an organized time, too. Keep these two key principles in mind to keep your dorm room clutter free.

Principle 1

Make the most of the space you have. Add storage solutions that take advantage of all the available space. Take advantage of unused vertical space by adding a set of tall storage cubbies and canvas drawers. Make the most of your closet and hanging space by adding hanging organizers to make more space for sweatshirts, sweaters, tees or even shoes. Or, take advantage of the space between your hanging clothes and the floor by adding storage drawers to tuck in below your hanging clothes. You could also look for space under your bed using an under-the-bed storage system, or add hooks or an over-the-door-shoe organizer to take advantage of the space behind your door. Once you’ve gotten creative and stretched your storage space, it’s time to embrace principle 2.

Principle 2

Don’t pretend you have more space than you do. This is the tough one … if you have space for ten sweaters, only keep ten sweaters in your dorm room. Trying to fit more into a space than will fit results in clutter! You can still have variety in your wardrobe by changing out items when you go home to visit … which you do plan to do, right? Take your very favorite things to school, keep the extras at home and change out items when you go home.

Good luck to you!