If there’s one small organizing project that gives you big bang for your buck, its organizing your purse. After all, you use your purse every single day. Plus, it’s the home to all sorts of little, bitty things that you want to keep track of—pens, coins, lipstick, lip balm, keys, your cell phone, pens, gum…

Honestly, if there’s one thing that can leave you feeling a bit scattered and disorganized, it’s digging through your purse in search of that ringing cell phone, or your keys, or your camera so you don’t miss the great photo op.

Ah, the stress of it all. But no more…thanks to the little organizing dynamo known as the pouchee.

I have to tell you, I was skeptical at first…would I love the pouchee or not? Well, here’s a glimpse back at my first day with the pouchee.

Pouchee arrives in mail. I open the package, my mind curious about what’s inside. My eyes grow wide with excitement. My legs run to get my purse and my hands dump my purse onto the table. My hands  excitedly start loading up pouchee.

My mouth smiles.

Seriously…within minutes I was loading up that little organizing dynamo…all those little pockets…all those compartments…one sized perfectly for my cell phone…another just right for my camera…a place for coins…a spot for my checkbook…little slots for credit cards and drivers license.

Need I say more…? Organizing bliss.

Oh, wait, there is one more thing to ponder. Would my new pouchee make my yet-to-arrive Butler Bag obsolete? Or would the Butler Bag notch up my purse organization to a point beyond bliss…?

Well…that’s today’s organizing cliff hanger. (Who knew there could be such a thing?) Stay tuned…