I seriously love this story. I received this photo along with an email from a newsletter subscriber. She read my article on clutter-free souvenir ideas and it made her think of the fishing lures and bobbers in her home. I loved it so much I just had to share:

When I read your newsletter I immediately thought of something my husband recently did to organize something special.  I have included a picture.  When my father passed away last November, my mother had a hard time parting with some of his things.  My husband loves fishing and when she found some old lures and bobbers she asked my husband if he would want them or had any use for them.  My husband was quick to reply, “Yes!  I would love to have them”.  I wasn’t quite sure what my husband would do with them or if he would just toss them in his tackle box. I was pretty excited when I came home to find this:


My husband had found a beautiful way to display my dad’s old fishing memorabilia and a way to keep them protected from little ones.  Now, every time I walk by those jars I think of my dad and all the wonderful times we had when we went fishing on family vacations.

I love this story for a number of reasons (in fact, just reading it again gave me a whole new round of goosebumps.) So many people I encounter have their precious memories stuffed in cardboard boxes on a shelf in a storage area in their home. The man in this story found such a beautiful and meaningful way to bring the memory of someone important, his wife’s father, out in the open and on display—and in such a simple, beautiful way. This display allows the husband and wife to remember wonderful memories on a daily basis—fishing on family vacations. This, to me, is what it’s all about. Having what we love out and on display, filling our homes with wonderful feelings and memories of a special person or event. Seriously good stuff.

So, I asked everyone to share their favorite, non-traditional souvenir ideas, and you didn’t disappoint. What fabulous ideas you all had! Thank you. So, let’s do some more sharing, shall we? I would love to hear how you store and display your most precious keepsakes and sentimental items. The thing is this…when we get these really special items out in the open we find we don’t need to keep everything to hold onto our memories and honor the people we love. A few carefully selected and displayed items fill our homes with enough joy and connection to the past and our loved ones to sustain us. So then we find we just don’t need as many cardboard boxes full of mementos in the basement. You know what I mean? So, if you have ideas for getting your precious memories out of a box and into the sun, I know a whole bunch of blogging friends would truly benefit from your ideas.

I can’t wait to hear your ideas. 🙂