I went through my pantry a few weeks ago and did some routine organizing maintenance. I have a bin full of picnic supplies, that included some packets of ketchup, salt, pepper, etc. They were in a small plastic cup that used to hold similar items when I worked in the corporate world. When I saw that cup, instantly I thought about the “yuckiness” of those days. I have no idea why the cup was so strongly associated with the un-pleasantries of corporate America … but it was. Bottom line. When I saw the cup, I felt bad. (Don’t get me wrong … the cup didn’t make me cry or any other weird emotional reaction … but my reaction wasn’t positive or neutral, it was clearly negative.) Now the cup worked fine. But the cup made me feel bad. So into the trash can it went. I replaced the cup with a plastic drinking cup … to which I have no emotional response.

Long story (and a bit odd but hopefully memorable) but here’s the point. Keep what you LOVE. If an item doesn’t make you feel good, and you don’t need it, let it go. Don’t give it a second thought. Your goal when you’re letting go and buying new things for your home is simple: surround yourself only with things you love — those that make you feel good. Pitch the negative stuff … even if it’s something as silly as a plastic cup!