“To-do list / get things done mania” continues! Its the first day of the month, which means its time for your monthly Get Organized Checklist! Woohoo! Here we go!

November checklist

 Your November Get Organized Checklist

Checklist copyright simplify101Set your goals for the month. We have two more months until the New Year. Why wait until January? Instead, set a new goal today or reconnect with some goals you set last January. Let’s close out the year with a bang, shall we?

Check your monthly tickler folder. If you use a tickler file, today is the day to distribute the contents from your monthly folder into your daily folder.

Change clocks / fall back on the first Sunday of the month. This means longer nights and more time to get things done. Right? (Or maybe it means longer nights and more time to sit on the couch and knit.)

Orange clock

Check the batteries in your smoke detector.

Check your carbon monoxide detector. 

Get your home ready for the holidays! We’ll make it easy and fun. Simply join the 28 Day Challenge and you’ll have your home ready for the holidays by the end of the month!

Declutter the guest room. 

Stock the guest bath with fresh towels and toiletries. 

Organize and declutter the kitchen. If you love to organize with friends, join me for our first-ever video workshop. Organize Your Kitchen starts on November 10th. It’s going to be lots of fun—and you’ll have your kitchen all organized before the holidays get arrive!

Declutter your to-do list or calendar of a recurring commitment that is weighing you down. Before the holiday season gets in full swing, now is a great time to reevaluate your ongoing commitments and do some decluttering.

Create your holiday plans and to-do lists. Get Organized for the Holidays makes this simple and fun.

Start a gratitude journal. November is a terrific time to focus on gratitude. Start a gratitude journal this month and set the stage for a joy-filled holiday season.

Gratitude journal copyright simplify101

Plan and / or purchase any outfits you need for the upcoming holiday season. Do a quick run through of your typical holiday season events such as the holiday card photo, the office Christmas party, and the holiday program at school. Do you and your family members have what you need to wear for each of these upcoming events? If not, create a shopping list and do your shopping throughout the month of November. Here is the PDF for this month’s checklist: Download November – checklist (You will need Adobe Reader to open the file which you can get here: http://get.adobe.com/reader/) Whatever you decide to put on your to-do list this month, make it a great one!
