I love a good road trip…loading up the car, packing a picnic lunch, and heading out of town. As a child we used to pack our family of five into a huge green station-wagon (with a camper towed behind) and head out to see the country.

One of the many fond memories are the picnic lunches my Mom would pack. We’d always get Pringles when we traveled—a rare treat My Mom was quite industrious (and organized) in those days before plastic storage bins. She painted a beer-box avocado green (back in those days the beer-boxes were really sturdy and had lids that you could reopen over and over again.) Mom would corral all of our snacks, paper towels, plates and other goodies into the beer-box. With our green beer-box full of food and our green, metal Coleman cooler loaded with drinks, we were all set for a picnic on the road.

On our road trip earlier this summer…Jay and I carried on the family tradition, packing a picnic lunch to eat on the go. (I love to eat on the go…you get to your destination faster, plus we put what we saved in food to an extra 2 gallons of gas! Woohoo!)

We had a small cooler with our lunches packed inside, and then, corralled some healthy snacks, and other essentials like tissue, TP (you just never know when you might need some of that), hand sanitizer, etc. inside the blue market tote. I put small items in a little metal bucket inside to keep them together and easy to find. (See those buckets do come in handy.) Using this open, handled container, it was easy to get to the food (and see what we had) while we were on the road. The best part was by packing all this healthy food…we didn’t stop and eat junk food.

Organized food

Now, here’s the best part. I was packing our sandwiches for the road trip and decided to wrap the bottom half of the sandwich in parchment paper, to keep turkey, laden with mustard, from spilling on our laps. (Isn’t that parchment paper trick very Martha? 😉 )

These multi-compartment containers are great for road trips, too. They keep lunch neat and tidy…and they’re really convenient for young kids. When my kids were young we’d use these for eating McDonald’s on the road—fries in one compartment, burger or nuggets in the big compartment and ketchup (and mayo!) in the third. It works great.

Martha moment

Sadly, I don’t know a source for these containers. They were made by Glad-Ware (got mine at Target, naturally) but it was years ago. If anyone knows of an alternative divided container, please share. (Thanks.)

So, how about you? What are your favorite tips for staying organized on the road? Do you like to pack food or eat out? And if you do pack your own food, what’s your favorite car-friendly fare? Or if you’d rather…do you have any car traveling vacation memories you’d like to share? Did your family load up into a green station wagon and transport food in a recycled beer-box? Can’t wait to hear your ideas (and stories!)