The Organizing Junkie is hosting a basket carnival today, and I just couldn’t pass up on the fun. See, the buckets have been getting a lot of press around here lately. But my first love organizing love was the good old wicker basket. I seriously remember going to Pier One with my Mom when I was maybe like 12 years old and drooling over all the baskets. Crazy, isn’t it?

Anyway…I thought I’d share some photos of baskets (and other containers) I use in my scrapbook space / office. Since…I also haven’t really talked about scrapbook organizing lately on this blog-o-mine. So here we go:

Journaling basket

This is a photo of one of the cubbies in my space—it’s journaling central. Everything I need to journal on my scrapbook pages is tucked into this one cubby.

Basket inside

I love this basket because it’s already divided, making it perfect for stashing an assortment of goodies, like markers, journaling cards, a date stamp, and accent words. I added some drinking glasses inside the compartments so the pens would stay propped up. A sundae cup raises up the journaling cards for easy access.

Next to the basket are two containers with more journaling goodies: a ceramic dish holds little journaling cards…

Journaling cards

and a metal tin holds stickers, journaling notebooks and larger journaling cards.

Journaling cards

I also use a basket to hold my 8 1/2″ x 11″ card-stock. I love this. I have super heavy pieces of white chipboard that serves as a divider between the different colors…so it’s easy to flip right to the color I’m after. Plus, big scraps of card-stock can go right in the front of each color section for easy access. The basket is labeled with a swatch booklet for quick and easy reference of color combinations to try.

Cardstock basket

Both baskets were purchased at Wal-Mart…over a year ago. The ceramic dish and metal container were from Target. Which reminds me…if anyone has any extra of those metal, rectangular buckets…the small size from a year ago…let me know. I know someone who really, really wants some and would be happy to relieve you of them. Post me a comment if you over-indulged in small, metal containers.

Happy organizing!