…big possibilities.

You know I love Target and little containers and using stuff that isn’t intended for scrapbook storage for scrapbook storage. So tonight I found these:

Little white bowls

Little melamine bowls. How cute are they? And even cuter with that bright orange clearance sticker on them. (Well, maybe the sticker isn’t so cute, but it’s just too exciting to see that sticker on something that I can easily justify buying.)

And what will I use these for? Well, I’ve been thinking about switching around a few things in my scrapbook space. Minor stuff.

See, I love these drawers.


I didn’t really expect to love them as much as I do. They’re seriously one of my favorite things in my space. So convenient. And it’s so easy to see what’s inside them. So…I thought I might move some little bitty scrapbook stuff that I want to see and access easily (brads, buttons, clips and other small attachments) to one of the drawers. And now I have little bowls to put the little stuff inside before I put the little stuff in the drawers. How cool is that?

I know.

I really know how to live, don’t I?

So in other exciting news…