Let me ask you a question. Which items on your to-do list do you do most consistently—your appointments (prescheduled events that are assigned a specific date and time on your calendar) or unscheduled to-dos? I’m going to go out on a limb here and bet that the appointments on your calendar are given priority over everything else. And rightly so—usually other people are counting on you to keep your appointments.

But, how many appointments on your calendar are with yourself? In other words, how often do you carve out specific times to really take care of yourself—to do something that restores your energy or nurtures your soul? If activities such as exercise, creative projects (done just for fun!) or relaxing with a good book aren’t planned events or appointments on your calendar, they are one of the first activities to fall by the wayside in a time crunch.

As we head into the holiday season, make it a point to schedule regular appointments with yourself. Block out times on your calendar to do activities that allow you to relax, restore, and reenergize. You’ll need a strong and energized you to take care of everything on your to-do list this time of year—so give yourself the priority you deserve by scheduling regular appointments with yourself. Then, keep your appointments just as you would any other appointment on your schedule.

How do you make yourself a priority during the hoilday season? I’d love to hear your ideas.