check yes or no

For many (myself included) it’s hard to say “no.” We want to be accommodating, helpful, kind, friendly, warm and loving … and saying no feels nothing like those qualities we so revere. So, instead of saying “no” we say “yes” to this, and “oh sure” to that and “I’d love to” to some thing else. Until ultimately: overwhelm sets in.

Do you remember your high school physics? There’s a law that goes something like this: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ring a bell? Let’s apply that law to yes and no: for every YES there is an equal and opposite YES (or in other words a NO.) So when you’re saying “yes,” you’re really saying “no” to something else. It’s just that you don’t have to say it out loud so on the surface it all feels a bit better. In reality, it’s still a “no.”

The moral of the story … just know when you say “yes,” you’re ultimately saying “no” to something else. Choose your yeses and no’s wisely and you’ll create a life you love!