I was going through some notes the other day and saw these words:  procrastination is fear. These words were spoken by the entrepreneur’s success coach, Melanie Strick, in a free tele-seminar on goal-setting that she hosted a year ago, and I was lucky enough to attend. At the time the words meant nothing to me. I wrote them down simply because I love taking notes. But when I came across them a week ago … they really struck a chord. Yes, it’s true, I had been procrastinating on a few things … important things … which just isn’t typical for me. So when I saw those words I realized how true it was … fear was the reason I was procrastinating.

How about you? Do you procrastinate? If so, try this next time. Pull out a piece of paper and at the top write “What am I afraid of?” Then, write and write until you figure out WHY you’re procrastinating. What is it that’s holding you back? And most importantly, what positive steps can you take to move forward in spite of your fear? It worked for me. Give it a try and see if it works for you!