The last two weeks I’ve tried something new…a mid-week tune-up for my home. Last week it happened on Wednesday evening (which I prefer) but this week it was tonight.

So what’s a household tune-up entail? Well, my version of the household tune-up is cleaning and laundry. I know (woohoo!) what a thrill, right? Honestly though, yes. Truly a thrill. It felt so good last Thursday morning to start the day all caught-up with the household stuff.

Laundry? Done.

Cleaning? Done.

Happy day? Indeed.

The best part of all?  The weekend hadn’t even started yet.

I’ve always done a load or two of laundry during the week, with my main laundry days (where I get all caught up) on Saturday and/or Sunday. Getting caught up on laundry mid-week was something new.

The result? A big, mid-week check mark on the household to-do list and even better, less laundry to-do on the weekend. Plus, by getting laundry *done* twice a week I get that “ooh-ah-I-am-caught-up-and-lovin’-life” feeling twice a week. And if that’s not good enough…there’s the whole concept of no *cleaning* during the weekend. This has some serious benefits like more time to scrapbook! Or hangout with the kiddos! Or hang out with Jay!

Why-oh-why did it take me so long to figure this out? (And how lucky am I to have friends like you that I can share this with? Because seriously…it feels life changing.)

So how about you? Any life-changing household revelations you’d like to share? You know it would make me giddy to hear them… 🙂

Oh…and before you go, two more quick things. The first is perhaps even more life changing for you, if you’re in the market for Crop-in-Style cubes. Tobey shared this today:

Oriental Trading

[updated] is having a no shipping charges/ big sale event til the 18th of this month. I found Crop n Style cubes for filing paper and all the accessories–drawers, shelves, doors etc at great prices. They even have a desktop to use with them. Just thought you all might like to know.

Thank you for sharing, Tobey. I bet this news will make someone oh-so happy.

Happy for no ReasonAnd, that second thing, if you’re looking for a good book to read this weekend, I highly recommend Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out by Marci Shimoff. I read it last week / weekend and loved it! I had a really hard time putting it down and can’t wait to put the concepts into practice. Because really, who doesn’t want to be happy for no reason, right? So if you’re looking for a good (and happy) read, there you go!

OK…off to watch Peter Walsh on Oprah with Jay (who recorded it earlier) and fold that last load of laundry! Have a good night. 🙂