Decorating Your Home for Summer
Around here it’s starting to get hot outside, which has me dreaming of a cool retreat inside. Do you like to change out your home décor when the seasons change? I love the changing seasons and [...]
Around here it’s starting to get hot outside, which has me dreaming of a cool retreat inside. Do you like to change out your home décor when the seasons change? I love the changing seasons and [...]
I’ve talked about setting some just-for-fun summer goals for a while now. And, well, the deadline is here: school ends today! It’s time to stop the pondering process and get down to the business of creating [...]
Happy week between Christmas and New Year to you! I hope you had a terrific holiday. Ours was the perfect white Christmas. It started snowing on Christmas Eve morning and snowed the better part of the [...]
Around here it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Snow is falling. We're wrapping up the last of the gifts. And Jay is getting ready to make Baklava. Yum. I just wanted to wish Merry [...]
As we enter into the final countdown of the holiday season, you may feel as though your life is one big to-do list. You might even feel that a primary focus in your life right now [...]
In an earlier post I mentioned that last weekend we had three big trees taken down in our back yard. While the decision to have these trees removed last weekend was a last minute decision, the [...]
I have a question for you: Are you someone who dreads seeing Christmas items before Halloween? Or do you think: Hooray! The holidays are coming? I used to be someone who thought it was crazy that [...]
I find myself in a nesting mode this time of year. I just feel very motivated to get my house in order and finish up some projects that have been lingering on my to-do list. I [...]
…is still a step forward. That’s what I was telling myself earlier this week. See, my wide open weekend turned into a carpet cleaning extravaganza. And boy, with two kids, one dog, and summer filled with [...]
Ahhh…I love today. It’s Friday. It’s sunny. It’s remarkably cool for an end-of-August Friday afternoon. It’s quiet and I have space to think. And, here’s the best part: we have nothing planned for the entire weekend. [...]