
Inspired by Carolyn

By |Blog, Inspire|

I met Carolyn almost a year ago. She contacted me via email as many of my potential clients do. She asked the regular questions…how does it work? How do we get started? Things like that. Like [...]

Wish Granted

By |Blog, Inspire|

Just a quick update on the Make-A-Wish project so many of you participated in earlier this year. The wish was granted a couple weekends ago and according to my contact it went wonderfully—in much part due [...]

Things …

By |Blog, Inspire|

... aren't always what they seem, are they? I've been thinking about things a lot this week. It's the final week of Stacy's Library of Memories Class and the topic this week is things. Betcha didn't [...]

Making Space

By |Blog, Inspire|

My business is all about making space ... space in your home ... space on your calendar ... space in your life. I help people like you create space for new things ... things that are [...]


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